Indications - What we treat
Child Patient
- Diseases of the digestive tract
- Diseases and disorders of metabolism and glands with internal secretion and obesity
- Non-tuberculous respiratory diseases (Asthma bronchiale, conditions after operations of air passages and chest malformations, Cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung fibrosis, lung sarcoidosis and others) Diseases of the urinary tract Diseases of the skin (Psoriasis vulgaris, chronic and recurrent eczema and others) Diseases of the locomotive system
Adult Patient
- Diseases of the digestive tract
- Diseases and disorders of metabolism and glands with internal secretion
- Non-tuberculosis diseases of the respiratory tract
- Diseases of the urinary tract
- Diseases of the skin
- Diseases of the locomotory system (painful tendons, Vertebrogenic syndrome, Coxarthrosis, Gonartosis and Arthrosis in other localities)