Treatment procedures
Climatic treatment
It has an unequivocal role in rehabilitation in respiratory diseases. The healing effects of the local climate are built on the mechanism of eliminating harmful climatic factors and on the presence of special climatic factors. This is due not only to the location of the spa facility but also to the advantageous air flow and the proximity to large mixed forests. Neighboring forest covers produce negative ions, resulting in increased mucus formation in climate therapy and the self-cleaning ability of mucous membranes increases.
By the decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, the climatic conditions of the Kynzvart Spa were proclaimed as a natural healing resource (only one of four areas in the Czech Republic).
Drinking treatment
It uses the curative effects of local natural mineral waters.
- Spring of Richard with a pleasant refreshing taste and a hign content of carbon dioxide, which is given to all patients to maintain their drinking regime.
- Helena and Viktor springs, which are given to patients with kidney disease and urinary tract infections and gastrointestinal disorders.
Inhalation treatment
An important part of the healing process is inhalation of an aerosol of natural mineral waters, possibly with medicinal additives, supplemented by the use of oscillating breathing techniques - flutter and resistance breathing.
Therapeutic Physical Education
It is done in the form of group exercises of children on mattresses or gymnastic balls, and the older children and adult patients are provided with an individual supervised LTV exercise on the instruments.
Utilization of dynamic forces for healing purposes. We perform partial chest massage, lumbar and reflex massage. Blood circulation, tissue nutrition, muscle activity and reflex action of body organs are improved and the vegetative balance is chaned, ie. it has a total stimulating effect on body performance.
Hydrotherapy procedures
Alternate Foot Baths, Scotch Sprinklers, Hydromassage Baths, Hubbard and Hauffe Baths, total baths and semi-baths (use of disolved substances to treat eczema), combined paraffin and water bath, hardening.
Use of pulsed magnetic field for therapeutic purposes for its anti-inflammatory, myorelaxant (relaxation of muscle tension) and spasmolytic effects.
Dry carbon dioxide bath
It's a CO2 application. The patient is immersed in a plastic bag filled with carbon dioxide. Its effect is the improvement of blood circulation and kidney function, increase of blood circulation, oxygenation and nutrition of the skin.
Carboxytherapy (gas injections)
It is a curative method based on the local effect of carbon dioxide in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles. The application of carbon dioxide causes an increased oxygen release from hemoglobin (blood dye) and thus improves the oxygenation and metabolism of the treated tissue.
Paraffin pack and baths
By the local effect of heat the muscle tension is released, the joint pain is reduced, it softens dry skin and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
(Diadynamic currents, interference currents, Traebert currents)
They are used to relieve pain, increase of blood circulation and muscle relaxation in the treatment of the locomotor system, degenerative joint diseases, post-traumatic states, swelling, haematoma, and poor blood supply to the lower limbs (ischemic disease of the lower limbs).
Swimming pool
Swimming and therapeutic physical education in the pool. The water is treated by ozonization.
To strengthen the overall health status - to prevent acute illness.
UV radiation - mountain sun, biolamp - polychromatic ray of visible light - for the treatment of psoriasis and dermatoses. Infrared Radiation - Solux - in ENT and nephrologic indications.
Peat pack and baths.
Diet therapy
Diet therapy follows the principles of rational nutrition, with an emphasis on the diversity of diet and on the individual elimination of foods that cause allergic symptoms in patients. Children's meals are provided 6 times a day, adult patients meals 4 times a day.
Health education
Part of the treatment is the consolidation of hygienic habits and the regime of the day, the patient learns to know his illness during his self-monitoring and its development, as well as the correct application of drugs in spray form. The principles of proper lifestyle are instilled.
Monitoring the course and results of treatment:
Spirometry, oxymetry
Pulmonary function in patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma and COPD is controlled (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
It is a form of biofeedback, ie, the practice of disturbed neural muscle function of the urinary bladder and the pelvic floor by the feedback method. Signals from the pelvic floor muscles are sensed by surface electrodes and transmitted to the computer screen in the form of a curve, a graph, or pictures, whose course and the patient controls by his sight.
Used to evaluate the course of the micturation (urination).